Sunday, May 1, 2011

Anonymous-Message to Scientology Parishioners

Uploaded by on Mar 16, 2011
Hello, parishioners of Scientology. We are Anonymous. This message is directed at those of you who may still have fears about our intentions. Your leaders have no doubt tried to persuade you that Anonymous means you harm. That is a lie. You may have been told of death threats made against Scientologists by people purporting to speak for Anonymous. We assure you that they do not. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Anonymous is represented by people from all backgrounds and walks of life, but if there is anything that unites us, it is our commitment to non-violence. Carrying out violent acts against members of Scientology would be deeply unethical, and would only serve to undermine our cause. It would be harming the very people who we are striving to protect.

It is on behalf of the many people who have been harmed by the church of Scientology that we prosecute this fight. The lives that have been stolen, the families that have been torn apart. These crimes must not go unpunished. Nor will they. No, our fight is not with you, nor was it ever. It is with the people who oppress you. The people who steal from you.

It is of no concern what brought you to Scientology in the first place. All that matters now is that you escape. We cannot know the enormity of what we are asking you to do. Leaving the church of Scientology may well cost you more than you ever thought you could bear. But it must be done. For in the choice between continued slavery and freedom, there simply can be no choice. You are more courageous than you ever believed possible. You will find your strength, but you do not have to do it alone. You were never alone. Nor will you ever be. There are people who can help you, people who will receive you with open arms. There is a life of freedom awaiting you: freedom from fear, freedom from the corruption and the deceit. There is no shame in leaving. The only shame belongs to your leaders for what they have done to you.

Far from wishing to harm you, Anonymous asks you to become one of us. We would be deeply honored to stand beside you in this fight. Our ranks have already been joined by many former Scientologists. Some of them do not have the luxury of anonymity as we do. They have suffered at the hands of your leaders for this. And yet they persevere. Their courage sustains us; it gives voices to those who were once silent. Ex-Scientologists are the heart and soul of our struggle. In return, let it be known that Anonymous will never abandon you. It may be many months, perhaps even years, before we are victorious. This is acceptable to us. We will meet any hardship and bear any burden to ensure an end to the Church of Scientology's tyranny. Please, join our fight. Do it for yourselves,do it for your families.
We are Anonymous. 
We do not forgive, 
we do not forget.
Expect us.
                                     "Technology changes all"